I See London, I See France, I See the Emperor's Underpants
"By mapping a third critical route away from the impasse between biological essentialism and discursive constructivism, I argue for a nonteleological notion of nature, challenging models of evolution that define the biological understanding of the body, sex, and reproduction according to the arborescent logic of inheritance. In particular, Darwinism--and to some extent neo-Darwinism--implies a filiative model of the body based on the binary logic of sexual exchange..." - Luciana Parisi "Information Trading and Symbiotic Micropolitics"That's a random quote from an article my advisor insists is crucial to my thesis. I might have a cursory understanding of it in a few weeks, after it has simmered. Right now, I feel stupid. I'm not sure if I'm changing, but I have this inner beast that screams "bullsh*t!!" at some things I come across in my field. That can't be good for my future.
And my reference to "The Emperor's New Clothes" is just me trying to be a little too clever. I don't have any special wisdom or insight. If anything, I'm the one saying, "Emperor? When did we get an emperor??"
At least I've got my SmartWater to pull me through. Hey- I'm not afraid to lie to myself.
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