Please Don't Hit the Crazy Duck
I have a much longer blog waiting in the wings for some clarification and refinement and word haggling. For now, I will just continue with a quick update and a moment of happiness for me.Update #1: I will not be going to school next year. I feel good about this decision, even though it involved much hands-wringing and waffling. More on the specifics of that later.
Update #2: I will be in TWO fabulous weddings this summer: Jodi Thomas and Tisha Warren. I am very excited about this! It gives me something to look forward to while I diet and exercise.
Update #3: I am in the last throes of my thesis, which I just described to someone as feeling like I'm wrestling with a greasy hippo in a jello pit. I will post a more substantial post once it is in the hands of my committee and off of my "To Do" list. (Also, "thesis" kind of rhymes with "feces." I'm going to use that in a song or a poem soon.)
Update #4: Today, it hit me that I'm 26. If you're older than me, you're probably thinking "Baby!" If you're younger, you're probably thinking "Fogey!" I'm just thinking, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"
Time to wake-up and smell the decreasing metabolism.
Update #5: More animal crossing signs! I discovered today that I'm a huge snob about these. I am only amused by ones that are in the wild, and not ones that are produced for Gadzooks or Spencer's or some other intentionally goofy store. It's like buying your Krispy Kreme at a gas station. It's an abomination.
One of these is from my recent trip to Savannah - turtle crossing. My favorite one right now is of a mama duck (or a stay-at-home papa duck) and four baby ducks. One of the baby ducks is a wee bit harried. Since I also never behave for family pictures (see below), I feel a deep connection with this duck.
Now...I'm off to apply for graduation. Hollaaa!
haha! stay at home papa duck. the sign is quite lovely and unique.
by the way, where is family picture taken? in the elevator of your vegas hotel?
Near the elevator of our family cruise ship, circa 2005. But I have been ruining family pictures since long before that. I just like how my arms are "flapping" in this one.
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