Sunday, October 18, 2009

What Kind of Accident...

This might be futile, but I just stumbled upon my own blog and realized that people are, occasionally, visiting it so perhaps I will update it. What kind of accident has brought you dear souls to a blog that has been dead for so long? A bad Google? I would like to officially apologize for this misdirection. Now, I shall blog silently, I'm sure.

I am long overdue for an update - though I have no idea what shape this blog will take and I think it needs a change. My friends use their blogs to showcase their tremendous marketable talents (photography, design, etc.), their wisdom and wit, or their babies. Three strikes for me. While I figure out where this will go, I should tell you this biggest thing that has happened to me. So there's this boy...

I first met him in the spring of 2005 and we became friends. It wasn't the kind of friends who try to see each other, but the ones who have great conversations when they do. And the summer of 2007, I stopped blogging songs of thesis procrastination (stopped blogging full stop), and I got in the zone on my thesis. I lived in a local coffee shop that had cozy corners and crazy hours. This boy showed up at this coffee shop as well. And every once in a while, we would both look for a little distraction and end up talking, and then end up at the pub next door with two pints of beer. Here it is, two years later, and I went and married that boy after he proposed to me with a sunrise on top of a mountain in Maine.
To be continued...

(Look at how lazy I have become!)


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