Sunday, October 16, 2005

It's Raining Rats...

"I apologize for the poor treatment you feel you have received."
I have royally shot myself in the foot with my current work/school/work schedule. What's worse is that I've been too busy to come up with something more original than "shot myself in the foot" for every time I complain. And I don't care who you are, that's busy.

This weekend has been the exception. Friday, I purchased season two of Arrested Development. This purchase was originally scheduled for Thursday night, but thanks to a certain Red-Bullseye didn't stock their shelves with me in mind, I settled for Clueless and The Fray. For the record, that's strike two for the Red-Bullseye in a one week period. The first strike was in Charleston, but I think there's at least a three state range on these things. I was there last Saturday night to buy wedding shower gifts for my brother and his fiance, and when I walked out of the fitting rooms, the attendant, who had been quite apathetic in handing me my plastic number, was up and yelling into the phone.
"MOD, we NEED to close the store! MOD!...MOD!!!!...DAVID! Our friends have dropped from the ceiling and are running around the store!"
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two cat-sized rats running around the Mossimo yoga pants and Champion sports bras.
I hustled through the store to do my shopping, partially because I was in a hurry, but also because every time I stopped, I imagined rats parachuting down onto my head. I did find the time to buy the happy couple a $2 white porcelain rooster for their house. I went ahead and broke the seal on useless, sit-pretty wedding gifts. I'm sure they'll thank me later.

One more story before I I'm in this group project for my editing and publishing class. Fine. I am a huge fan of the teacher and some of the books we've read in there have rocked my little world. I have poured myself into every project because I want this man to respect me.
And all of that work is now for naught.
My group meeting that was supposed to be yesterday was changed to today at the last minute and I couldn't go. Our presentation is tomorrow. We had to create a fictional publishing house and book catalogue. Our all-female group was leaning towards a feminist press, and I distinctly remember saying "That's great as long as we keep it balanced." I tried to make my books not by white twenty-somethings or mothers and I tried to include two male authors (I want to give a shout-out to DP for being the first true male feminist I met.)

I got home today and opened my e-mail to find our logo - a giant, inappropriate conch shell orbited by particles. Our company name? "Quantum Ovum." My male authors had undergone a little operation to become female, along with several other moves. Tomorrow night, I have to defend my "smallest amount of [an egg] that can exist independently." Oi vey!

I apologize for the whinefest. The good news is that I had a beautiful time with friends this weekend. I relaxed and became inspired and I got to play with the babies in church on Sunday. All small eggs and rats aside, this was a really good weekend. I'm determined to make my week follow suit.
Picture me rollin'.